
Here are some free samples of my fiction. 

Murray and the Lamppost is a children’s story I wrote while I was studying for the Writing MA at Sheffield Hallam University. I was inspired by the local council replacing the old lampposts. I decided to share it with the world because there are lots of new lampposts being replaced again at the moment – and they look very futuristic.

The Fox Who Played Football is another children’s story, aimed at children from 8-11 years old. It’s very recent, written in response to the current hysteria about urban foxes, and about some magical encounters I’ve had with foxes near my house and in my back garden.

Please feel free to road-test the stories on your children, give me feedback and send me pictures in response to them! That would be great. I hope to publish a collection of short stories eventually. However, the copyright is mine so if you would like to use my stories, please contact me first.

Murray and the Lamp Post

The Fox Who Played Football



Here’s a link to my Young Adult novel, Outside Inside, on the Amazon Kindle store. It’s had some great reviews so far and I’d love to know what you think. It’s a story of love, betrayal and cider! 

Anne's Book Illustration - 3

The excellent cover artwork by Rachael Dixon


I’m currently working on my second novel, working title ‘Distortion’, which is about an indie band from the 90s who split up under tragic circumstances. Fourteen years later, the bass player’s son picks up a guitar for the first time and an exciting chain of events unfolds.

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